Happy Birthday Amelia (and Daddy Too)
Amelia was born on Daddy's birthday...by choice. Really, she was a scheduled c-section so we were able to choose pretty much which day to have her. Happy Birthday to Daddy! With all the birthdays, we had several opportunities to celebrate. Mia loves Ming's, and Daddy gets to eat sushi there. There's something for everyone & we all like the ice cream machine...It's pretty cool.On Amelia's birthday, we invited friends to go with us to our local children's museum. They always love it. I like it, because we can bring in a lunch to eat & I can visit with my friend, while still keeping watch over the kids.
We LOVE the Paint Wall. OK, I don't...but the girls REALLY like it, and it's usually our 1st stop.
Adam can't resist a bucket of LEGOS!
Climbing like the BIG kids...
YAY! Water!??! Allison got a little wet.
Now about that yummy looking cake... I've never heard of cooked flour frosting. It looks scrumptious! I may have to try this out. Mmmm....
Love those Crazy Cowands! ;D