Baby Pictures...Finally!

OK, so it only took me a month to update & post pictures of the newest Keech in our home. Well, here are a month of pictures of her.Avery Madge Keech
December 8, 2010
6lb 15oz - 19in.
Mommy did MUCH better this time...SO Happy it's OVER!Tiny feetMommy loves you.Here THEY come! Proud big sisters. How Sweet!Nana was a huge help to me. I'm so lucky to have a mother willing to help, and a father willing to share her.
Allison is the most excited of all. However, she needs to learn to be softer! We happened to have a surprise visit from Santa in the hospital.Wow...I'm now the mother of 5! Crazy!
Quiet moment with my alert newborn.
When she was first born, the pediatrician heard a heart murmur. She had to have an EKG & and eco-cardiogram. It didn't hurt her, but she looked terrible hooked to all those wires. Poor thing.
The kids got to come down each day after dinner to see me & Avery. They were a little annoyed at me that I made them go to school instead of missing. Oh well.
She's SO little & sweet.
LOVE it!She has tons of hair!
Going home.
Allison LOVES being a Big Sister.
Avery @ 2 weeks old.
Snuggling with big brother.Christmas wiped us out!
Grandma loved coming to visit us.
Avery has had really good muscle strength for a newborn. She's definitely another Keech Kid.Love the little finger & toes!These are some of the most recent pictures of Avery (taken earlier this week).Allison love posing with Avery for a few pics (not that I could have kept her away). What cute sisters.Allison has seemed HUGE to me, ever since we brought Avery home. It's good to know it's NOT my imagination...Look at the size difference.I still have other things that I want to post (if I ever get around to it) from the Holidays, but I hope this will please some of the Family & Friends who have been dying to see more pictures of Avery. Here she is & Here she'll stay....


corn fed girl said…
Love it! Great pictures...the kids look really happy to hold her....just wait kiddies until she's ripping your toys apart!
Unknown said…
Really cute pictures. I'll have to take some of my own when I visit in March. Love you all.
Muche said…
Congratulations!!!! It's about time you post some pix, it's not like you don't have time and all, with FIVE kids, crazzy huh! She is absolutely perfect and make me almost want to have another baby girl....nah, I'll let you have more kids, not me!
Great job!
Love ya

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