2 Weeks into Summer...

I know it's sad when getting a new appliance is "exciting". Well, our old fridge stopped making ice & Bryan was worried that it was several years old and maybe not worth repairing. I think that he needed an excuse to go buy a new one. Whatever, I'm not complaining. We went window shopping @ a couple of local stores & found this beauty. The sales-guy offered it to us with a discount, because it has a little ding in one of the doors. - Like anyone will notice one it has all my stuff all over it. Ha! So here is our new addition. A black refrigerator with French doors. The drawer freezer, doesn't have as much space as an upright, but when the basement is finished, I'll be able to use the deep-freeze again. So, that's not so bad. I really like having the double fridge width though.For Memorial Day, we were invited to our friends' house for a BBQ party. We had grilled pizzas, which were yummy & played games. The kids attempted to play Duck, Duck, Goose on the trampoline. Allison didn't really understand the concept. She ran around no matter who was "it".We also played Cornhole. I know...what a horrible name. I always laugh @ people playing it, because they usually have a bean bag in one hand & a beer in the other. More times than not, it's also a bunch of Fraternity guys. Well, I played & it was pretty fun. I guess you could compare it to horseshoes, but a little different.Adam LOVES this little guy. I really hope we add a new little brother to our family, but I'm hoping he'll give me lots of help no matter what.
We also played "Minute to Win it" . I don't watch the show, but I enjoyed the challenges. So FUN!Johnny Apple StackNut StackerWe had a great time with good friends & met some new ones too. I love a good party. Come to think of it, I like a bad party too.
Other than this, we've spent time playing outside, going to the splashpark, and doing the McDonald's playland a few times. We also had an outing to go bowling. The kids were very excited, because it was the first time for the little ones. Adam & K were on one lane with the rest on another. They brought out the 2 "light" balls (still 5#) and a ramp for them to use.Amelia lining up her shot.I think Amelia was one of the first to want to ditch the ramp. She was happy with herself, I guess that's what counts.Nice Form Adam!Not to be out-done, Adelaide had to try bowling on her own too. BTW - Bowling balls don't bounce well.I even let Allison be a little independent too. She was so cute trying to carry that big, heavy bowling ball.Go Adelaide!I had to get a picture of our Bowling Style. You got to love bowling shoes...Who would want to steal something this ugly?Our final scores were pretty close.
The kids all had a fun time, but the mommies were definitely ready to leave by the end. We made some fun memories that they can remember for awhile.


Mary said…
You want to steal bowling shoes so you don't have to rent them the next time, right? Love all of the pictures and especially love your comment about parties -- you can come over and have a party with me anytime now that you've taken off the pressure like that.
Jen said…
What a great weekend! And you've totally inspired me as to what we should do tomorrow for Brynn's birthday... bowling. We haven't done that in years!

BTW, I like the new fridge. It looks a lot like ours... papers and all!

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