Kindergarten Round-Up

Earlier this month (as if March wasn't crazy enough), we had the opportunity to attend Kindergarten Round-Up. Before you get too impressed, it was just pre-registration for Kindergarten. The Principal spoke to us. The Kindergarten teachers shared some info. Then, all the little kiddos got to go off with the teachers & do some activities and see one of the classrooms.
Adelaide had a blast. She was already excited for Kindergarten...Now, she can't wait. I think the wait might actually drive her crazy. I know I'm looking forward to a new school year. Adam, Amelia & Adelaide will be in school ALL day. And, I already have Allison set up to go to preschool. Woo Hoo!


Anonymous said…
What ever are you gonna do? FREEDOM! I am sure you will miss them but you are on to a new stage! Adelaide was chattering ALL about school on Sunday with me and Jess. It was cute!
Jen said…
Porter gets to start school this next year also. He can't wait. The thing he got the most excited about when we went to his kindergarten round-up was getting up on the bus to see what it is like. Go figure!
Muche said…
I think the wait is going to drive YOU crazy :))) Just think, shopping alone, stay home alone, ahhhhh :))) Lucky!

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