Dental Adventures
Allison's 1st Dentist Appointment - Can you see her ON TOP of the table?
I am having a hard time lately, scheduling appointments. I mean, I schedule 2 (or more) kids together, to save me a trip. BUT, it seems that this backfires on me. I mean, I only have to make 1 trip, but the kids make up for it by being naughty or just bouncing off the walls. Any advice? Will they grow out of it? I hope so.
Brushing with brand new toothbrushes.
Stylish, don't you think?
She can't wait until her turn. I don't know when the dentist will come. Be patient...
Bored...Let me entertain you.
Yes, yes...You too.
She was very good, even when she had to do an x-ray. I don't think she could've lifted that lead apron if she wanted to.
Good Girl
So, WHEN do I have to do this again?? Oh, did I mention that Amelia was in the other room (Bryan too) getting a filling? Yeah...a little OVER-scheduled.