
One of the things we did this summer while Adam was away, was go to Build-A-Bear. It was a fun time for the girls. Amelia chose a pink teddy bear.Adelaide chose Hello Kitty.Allison chose a kitty too, but she was NOT HAPPY with this particular kitty. She didn't understand that we would have it stuffed. She was mad because I would not give her the one on the shelf for display.Amelia liked pressing the pedal to stuff her bear.Adelaide couldn't help but giggle with excitement.They got to put their heart into their friends.Allison picked her heart too.Allison needed a little coaxing, but she liked pressing the pedal too....and she liked putting in the heart.I think this is when she realized that THIS was her kitty.Allison likes her kitty now.After being stuffed, the girls had to clean their new friends. Scrub-a-dub.Allison's finished Kitty.Mia's finished TeddyAnd, of course, Adelaide and Hello Kitty as a Fairy Princess.After picking some outfits for their new friends, the girls named them. Bryan named Allison's kitty - Kitty. Amelia named her bear Amelia. And Adelaide named hers Sally (which is the new favorite name for EVERYTHING in my house).Daddy was such a good sport. I had lots of fun, but I know there are things that he would rather be doing. This day, I think he was number one in the lives of some little girls.It was SO cute to see the girls carry their boxes through the mall. They were SO excited.What a good day!


Unknown said…
FUN!!! I remember way back taking the boys to BAB but I think Jess would TOTALLY love this and you are a brave cookie for the nail art but also VERY FUN!! I may give it a try but then when it goes really wrong I will just blame you! LOL
Jesmyluk said…
Awww what a great way to spend the day with your girls. And Dad really was a good sport. I like the pic where you helping Adelaide with the pedal to fill her kitty.
Jesmyluk said…
Sorry I meant to type Allison not Adelaide. My bad! ;>
Midwest Keech said…
I guess what MOST people won't realize, is that we had to go to Peoria (45 min away) to got to BAB. It was a fun day out, away from town, but not too far.

LISA - As for the nail thing, make sure she stays in one place & cover it with a towel or paper. I still need to remove the bright pink polish from my counter...I just never think to do it when I have time to trake down the remover.

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