A Trip to the Museum

I discovered that our local Children's Museum is open later on Thursday evening. Last week, I made PB & J sandwiches, grabbed a bag of chips & some drinks. We were off to play. We played a little, then ate our dinner and played a bit more. There were only a handful of people @ the museum (besides us). It was a nice fun evening with the family.

Mia & Adelaide had fun making pizzas in the pizza kitchen.
They always LOVE playing in the water area. Hey, what kid doesn't like having license to splash & play in water??Amelia & Adelaide love painting on the Paint Wall, but I have NEVER let Allison paint before. She had a BLAST, and did pretty good for her first time.


Mary said…
I love going to the museum when it is empty ~ it really isn't very fun on crowded days! We haven't bought a pass because our kids are getting too big, but I may have to reconsider with the baby. Looks like a blast!

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