
For Thanksgiving this year, we went over to the Clark's home. Syndy & I split the menu, and Chris deep-fried our turkeys. Yep. That's right...we each had a turkey for 4 adults and 7 kids (9yr, 9yr, 6yr, 4yr, 4yr, 3yr, 20mo.). Leftovers are great!
We had several appetizers while we were waiting. Yummy. We had so much food! Shrimp Cocktail, veggies & dip, parmesan puffs, basil & feta triangles, stuffed mushrooms...mmm. Then, we had the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, green bean casserole, stuffing, whipped-cream fruit salad, homemade rolls, cheesecake & pumpkin pie...with homemade whipped cream (Chris is the expert).
We all enjoyed spending the day with our very good friends. I'm so thankful to have friends like them. It's just a bonus that our kids are pretty good to each other too.

Allison has her "place" at the Clarks' home, and she knows it. When she decides it's time to eat, you can find her in her chair.What a pretty smile.
Poor daddy is tired...Food COMA!!!
I tried to take a family picture for my christmas cards. These are a couple of the "rejects".


Jesmyluk said…
Nice face Kimmie!! LOL I can't wait to see what picture you did choose, when should I expect my card? Glad to see your back on the..."blog".

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