Christmas CHAOS!

This year, I was trying to plan ahead so I could enjoy the season. Well, I have still been busy, busy, busy. I guess that's evidenced by the fact that I haven't had time to blog - for a month!! Well, I think I'm pretty well caught up. I have been keeping occupied with lots of Christmas plans. For awhile, I was working on a special gift for my mom & mother-in-law. I made a super-cute blankie for my new niece (Sharlene then SheriAnn, finally Sharlene Eowin). I have also been working on some sewing projects for my hubby & the kids. I got Fleece on sale & I am making robes & PJ Pants for everyone. Surprisingly, I'm NOT sick of sewing yet. Other than that, I did my visiting teaching early, helped make gifts for the Young Women and have tried (fairly unsuccessfully) to keep my housework under control. Oh well. I need to get a few things done so I can go work on Adam's stuff. I only have 2 more days before he's out of school for the break. Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to work I go!


Jesmyluk said…
Well hey there you little Domestic Diva!! Can you send some of your energy my way! Merry Christmas Miss Kimmie!!

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