New Soccer Season

We should've had a game last week, but it was VERY rainy. So, yesterday ended up being the first of the season. He really likes playing, but I don't thin he's as experienced or competetive as some of the other boys. I've discovered, that I actually (kind of) like watching soccer. It's a pretty action-packed game and keeps moving. Adam got to play several positions during his 3 (out of 4) quarters of play. He got to play midfield (what he usually plays), where he basically runs after the ball, no matter where it goes. He played defender and stayed near our goal mostly, but went no further than midfield. He even got to play forward for a little while during the 4th quarter. He's just not as aggressive. Adam's finally getting to where he can watch (& guess) where the ball is going, so he can run to meet it.Adam really likes soccer & has a great team & coach. I guess it's worth the time & effort on my part, for the fun he has.The girls and I even came up with a cheer (that they are NOT ALLOWED) to yell at games. A! D! A! M! Go, Adam! Go!

Here are the rest of the pics from the soccer game. (Choose slide show at the top to see them all.)


Jesmyluk said…
A! D! A! M! GO ADAM!! GO!!! Awesome action pictures!!!

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