Montgomery Academy 07-08

Amelia LOVED attending preschool this year.
She was part of a very active, very young class. In fact, it was a class of six 3-year olds. Thursday was the last day of preschool, and we had a party. They went through their daily routine to show the moms what they did at preschool.

I was particularly impressed with the sign-language that the kids knew. They learned one sign for each letter of the alphabet. It's fun to watch Adelaide in the middle trying to keep up. - She does pretty well. So CUTE!!!

They also did a play. - Mrs. Fata read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and the children acted out some of the lines. They were rolled into little balls & "popped" out of their eggs. They gobbled up the items from the story. Then, they made a cocoon out of the parachute that they could all fit under. Then they came out & waved the parachute as they were now beautiful butterflies. It was great!! Amelia enjoyed this year immensely.


Anonymous said…
Hey Kim will you email me your code for this so I can upload it to my blog. Andrea will be emailing me the play that I videoed too so I can forward that to you too!

I was very impressed by them remembering all these signs too. Very cute!!

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