Another Birthday

Well, another year has passed. Some days, I feel a lot older than I am & some days I don't feel old enough to even be on my own. It's crazy, I know. So today was a pretty good day. I definitely feel loved. My hubby got up very early, so he could bring home Krispie Kreme donuts for me & the kids before going to work. My oldest friend, Jessica, wrote a very sweet blog for me this morning. A couple of my good friends brought me some very simple, thoughtful gifts. Thank you all...I really needed it. I also received several phone calls from friends & family with wishes for a happy birthday. Thanks so much. I really feel blessed to have so many people who care about me. Thank you.

Bryan & I even got to go out to dinner tonight...just like a real date! We had E, a YW from our ward babysit the 4 kids. She seemed to do great. The girls really liked her. I'm pretty sure Adam spent the entire time watching TV. (no big deal - at least he was good) Adelaide & Amelia rode with me to take E home. After dropping her off, Adelaide started to cry. Poor thing. I know part of it was that she was tired, but she really liked having E babysit. She bawled the WHOLE way home. I think we'll have to get her & her younger brother to sit for my kids & the Clark kids so we can double. Yes, I think that is an excellent idea.


Jesmyluk said…
I am so glad you liked the blog and I am so happy that you had a good birthday, you totally deserve it. Give Bry and the kids hugs from their Cowand cousins. Love you sweetie!!
Normal Mom said…
Congratulations on another year! We are so blessed to have had you migrate East!
Have a great weekend!
Muche said…
Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We're sending you warm huggs from insanely stupidly hot AZ (how we envy your humidity and your green grass!)
Love ya

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