An Experiment in Gardening

I am not a gardener. In fact, I kind of have a BLACK thumb instead of a green one. I can barely keep the bamboo alive that lives right next to my kitchen sink.

This year, we decided to try gardening. We bought a couple of tomato plants & a few pepper plants & some seeds. Well, I think we waited too long to get the tomatoes & peppers into the ground (mostly because of the chilly weather in APRIL). Then, we planted them & it hailed. I think a couple of the pepper plants may have survived, but instead of pulling stuff out & starting again, Bryan just planted the squash seeds. He planted zucchini, yellow squash & butternut. All along, Mia has been the one that has been very excited about the garden. She loved to look at how big they were growing. She counts the number of flowers on the plants & notices when another has started to bloom. Amelia talked me into buying a couple of watering cans from the dollar store, so she & Adelaide could help water the garden.

I turn on the hose a little, so they can fill their containers. Then they water the garden. I told them to water one plant at a time & put the whole thing on. After they are done, I take the hose over & make sure it's got enough water.

Adelaide is not as interested in the garden. - But, she enjoys playing with the water.

Amelia, on the other hand, loves playing in the water, but she will go back & forth from the hose to the garden until she has given each plant water.
This is Adam & his friend Jimmy. Jimmy is a regular fixture around our house. The boys play together almost everyday. They have a lot of the same games, bikes, scooters, etc.


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