Pictures. PiCTuReS. PICTURES!

Well, life happens when we're trying to accomplish something else...I decided it was time to post some pictures for (mostly) the Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles to see.  I'm just impressed that I've had the wherewithall to grab the camera & snap a few pics here & there. Sometimes I forget that I really enjoy taking my kids' photos. Unfortunately, I don't get many good ones of Adam, because...well, let's just say he's less-than-cooperative?  Oh Yeah. He's 12. Well, here we go...

This collage needs a little explaination. - I have been working on a project making a quilt for my Sister-in-law (and her baby boy due in April). Since I needed a large workspace, I've been working at the dining room table & storing the sewing stuff in a corner. Avery apparently LOVES the spools of thread. Don't know if it's the colors or the plastic case or just the number of little things all together to play with, but she was EXTREMELY upset with me. Not only did I make her cry, she sat at my feet while I ironed on the ironing board. Poor Baby!
A snack makes everything all better!
Finished Project turned out AWESOME & SIL loves it too, so it was definitely worth it.
Amelia made this super-cute project in school. They were working on writing a set of steps or directions to blow a bubble with bubble gum. She was so excited & talked for days beforehand about how her teacher was not only going to allow gum, but that SHE was giving it to them. Cute!
Spaghetti Night. Definitely takes after Daddy. My MIL tells the story of how they would take Bryan to the Spaghetti Factory as a very small child (3-4) and order him an adult portion. Of course, she makes sure we all know that they carefully carried him to the car, as he was COVERED in it.
Allison CRACKS me up...She drives me CRAZY most of the time, but she IS HILARIOUS!
Avery is finally to the age where she kind of, maybe is starting to like taking a bath.
Cute huh? The hat is borderline too big & her hands are just inside the mittens - forget the thumbs. I have to hurry & put her coat on, before she pulls something off.
I can't put my arms down!!!

Addelaide making a silly-face at me.
These are my most favorite slippers. My mom found them for me when I was in the hospital when Avery was born. I think I like them, because they feel like super-fuzzy & warm.
Baby LOVES chicken nuggets!
This crazy girl is now 14 months and NOT walking yet, but she loves to climb up & stand at just-about-anything. She can even walk pushing many of those things around...Like toys, chairs & laundry baskets.
Avery has watched Allison & the other girls sit in this toy. Well, she can do it too.
Did I mention she LOVES the stairs? This week, I think I'm finally confident that she knows to turn around & come down the stairs on her tummy. It was hilarious this week at playgroup...She literally turned around 6+ ft from the stairs & pushed herself backwards across the hardwood floor. Silly Baby!
 I see Daddy!
I had 3 little girls get fillings in the space of about a week. Allison is the only one I thought to bring the camera for.
She did very well, but toward the end, she kept putting her hand up to feel around. I think she was just tired of having that stupid balloon in her face!
We were passed-along this little couch. I quickly had to make a rule that anyone older than 5 wasn't allowed. As you can see, this one likes it.
Not quite tall enough to look out the window. Almost. Just a little more...
If it would move easily, she would push it around.
Stairs again...
Allison painting at the children's museum.
I wanted to put the girls pictures on some valentines this year, so we took a bunch of photos after church. Aren't they cute?
Allison is a HAM for the camera...Didn't use these ones, but they are great in so many ways!
 Pose much?
And what better way to say good-bye for now? A great big Smooch! MWAH!


Muche said…
Thanks for all the pictures, I love your family!!!!

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