Keech Update
Well, I did it again (and proably not the last time)...It's been forever since I put out an update. Since all of our extended family lives far away, I guess it would be good for me to post some pictures & info. on the grandkids. Normally, I am ALL about chronology, but I decided to do an individual update for each family member. Here we go...
Well, Allison got a haircut. Usually, I end up cutting the girls' hair after some sort of scissor mishap. Not this time. She's just not a baby anymore & even though I loved how her long hair curled @ the bottom, it was time for something new. I love how it turned out!
What can I say? She's definitely a MIDDLE child. She is caught between Amelia & Allison, trying to hold her own in the process. She's the perpetual victim, but then turns around to be the sacrificing peacemaker. Adelaide loves going to preschool and can't wait until she starts kindergarten. We're talking a lot lately about going to the doctor & getting her shots, because it's coming up next week. Adelaide is stubborn & has VERY strong opinions about EVERYTHING. She has spent several days wearing PJ's out-and-about. AMELIA
Our ward had a Daddy Daughter dance for Valentine's day (Friday). I had been meaning to make some dresses for the girls, so this was a GREAT chance to complete them. The girls were SO excited to wear their new dresses & go to the dance with daddy (While Adam & I went to see Lightning Thief).Adam participated in the Pinewood Derby for his last time this year. Bryan helped him cut & sand the car. I helped him with his paint job.
Pre-RACE pictures
Adam also received his Weblos badge at this pack meeting, along with a ton of pins. He's on-track to get his Arrow of Light at his last pack meeting in March (before he turns 11 & moves on to Boy Scouts). He's VERY excited, because he'll get to shoot an actual flaming arrow as part of the ceremony. Anyway, Pinewood Derby was fun with hot dogs and nachos.
This year, we had a new track that averaged the times by computer to get a winner. Adam raced his car 4 or 5 times. He didn't win or come in last, but didn't end up placing. I think he was 16th (or something) out of 24+ boys. He had fun & was happy because he got his award for "Most Colorful" that he was shooting for.
Busy...busy...busy...Gotta get back to life!
Pre-RACE pictures
Can you say, "I'm 10 and I don't have no attitude..."?
For the Blue & Gold Banquet in February, all the scouts had to make a cake. Adam decided he wanted to make a scout shirt. Well, it was quite a feat. I got the idea to use graham crakers to make individual patches, so we could have multiple chances to get one that looked good.
Weblos, Bears, Wolves...Oh My!
This is our finished attempt. Let's just say...I used a whole small container of blue gel for the frosting. Oh, and it turns anything it touches BLUE...fingers, lips, hands, hair...

I feel like I have been busy, but mostly with mundane everyday stuff. I love serving in Young Women's and working with the Beehives. I now have 9 girls in my class, and will be getting several more in the next couple of months. I've also been going to the gym, and usually I have fun doing it. I have been doing a little sewing (as mentioned before), and reading the Leven Thumps series. It's pretty good, and Adam likes it too.
I just finished #3 & started #4. Adam is on #2.
The only other interesting thing that stands out, is that I had to go to Traffic Court yesterday. I was driving & got pulled over for speeding. When all was said & done, I ended up with 3 tickets...speeding, no valid insurance (had the wrong card in my wallet), and invalid driver's license (driving on my AZ license). All worked out OK. I have another court date to fight the speeding ticket & the other 2 were dismissed. Whew...
Bryan has been pluggin' along trying to finishe the basement. He's making TONS of progress, and definitely come a long way since he started. Progress is sometimes slow, but he works down there several times a week & several hours on Saturdays.
Things are messy, but the work is coming along. I'll confess...I try NOT to go down there unless I HAVE to. There's just so musch dust EVERYWHERE.
The bathroom is drywalled & the tub is installed. We bought a sink/vanity & a mirror a long time ago, so they are just waiting for their time. We also got a toilet last weekend, so that's waiting too. First, we need to tile...the time is soon I'm sure.
This is the other end of the big-room. Not much left to drywall...the east wall...the dividing wall...closet...under the stairs (for another storage closet)...
As I mentioned, my complaint lately is all the drywall dust...This is how Bryan keeps from tracking it into the house...
Great updates. Your kids are so cute, and that Cub Scout cake was awesome! So creative. I have made castle cakes and a Harry Potter broom cake, never a kitty. Yours turned out great!