Ward Carnival FUN

A few weeks ago, we had a ward carnival. It was tons of fun, especially for the kids. There was a moon-bounce, face painting, food & games. We had corndogs & sno-cones.
They were VERY smart to do only 1 flavor. - That way, you just make them & pass them out - no choices to make. Allison actually did very well, considering this was her very first sno-cone.Of course, there were also nachos. I love nachos!Adam had a boat-load of candy that he won playing games. He had a great time running around playing with his friends too.The face painting was fun! One of the young women painted Amelia's butterfly and Adelaide's heart. I ended up helping with the face-painting, because it was SO much FUN! I painted lots of stars, flowers & smileys, a couple of firetrucks, some rocket ships & even a snake or 2. Let's just say, Bryan painted his OWN face. He cracks me up.


Anonymous said…
Still crackin up about Bry here!! LOL

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