Nauvoo Pageant
I know it ended a LONG time ago, but we had a fun time this year at the Nauvoo Pageant. Bryan volunteered to help with security when our ward helped, so we made a day of it & took the whole family. It was pretty fun, even though the kids were convinced they would be bored & that they would have a horrible time. The gardens by the visitors' center were so beautiful that I HAD to take pictures of the kids. I love how they came out.
Adam was a little more difficult...he didn't want his picture in front of the flowers. I think this is an acceptable compromise.
All My Little Monsters
Adam - Outside the Brick Yard. These kids will climb on anything.
We brought a picnic dinner to have - Good 'ol PB & J. The girls had a great time with the Bugles - Dinner AND a Show.
We went over to watch people dance, but some lovely young women came & swept away my girls. They had a WONDERFUL time dancing! It was so fun watching them smile & giggle while they danced. It was great.
Monkey SEE, Monkey DO.
We staked out some seats for the show, but we had a little while before the pre-show activities started. I had some of those fruit roll up Stickers. The kids loved them, but why do they all stick them to their face?
I think that Amelia put ALL of her fruit stickers on her face. She must have taken too long to eat them off, because she was left with a blue moustache.
Adam wasn't thrilled about the dancing, but he liked using Dad's camcorder.
Aren't they cute??
After the dancing, Adam wanted to go play stick-ball. He even got a turn to pitch.
Daddy missed a lot of the fun while he was doing security, but the kids & I had a great time.
This picture is so funny to me. I just look at each little expression, and see their personality. We enjoyed the pageant, even though it was a very late evening. I'm glad we went.