Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday. Don't get me wrong, I really like living where I am. But, sometimes I envy those people who live very close to their families. My family lived in AZ for a very long time. Then in 1999, my dad took a job in Corning, NY. All of this happened very quickly. In February, my brother, James, left for the MTC...My dad left to start work in NY...And, Bry & I (8 months pregnant) had to move out of our place & stay with family until our house was done. Crazy! All while my poor mom tried to pack and get the family home ready to sell.
My mom was one month shy of 18 years when she got married - very young, especially by today's standards. Now that I am a mom, I kind of have a new respect for her. Motherhood is not easy & she pretty much still had some growing up to do.
I am the oldest of 7 children. I don't know how close I was to my mom growing up. I mean, I was able to talk to her when it counted. But, I hear others talk about how they still call their moms several times a week or everyday, etc. What defines close? I do think I am close to my mom. I can call her anytime I need her. I know I think about her everyday.
When I turned 30, I asked her if it made her feel older to have a 30 year old daughter or that her "baby" was 16 & getting her driver's license. Well, I'm 32 now & the "baby" just left for college? How old do you feel now? Don't. Do something for you. You deserve the BEST! I wish we could spend more time together, but you are surrounded by family (and most of them don't live with you).
Happy Birthday MOM!! I love you.
Dad thought we should do the "Mother-Daughter" portrait thing my senior year.

My youngest brother just opened his mission call - Brisbane Australia (2003).

Mom came to help when Allison was born. She is such a blessing.

Last year for her birthday, I surprised her. Allison & I flew out and spent a few days with everyone. Grandkids are so Awesome!


Anonymous said…
She's the best honey ever!
Anonymous said…
That's one hot momma!
Jesmyluk said…
Happy Birthday MOM!!!! I love you too!! 80)

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