What Have I Been Doing??

I feel like a total slacker lately. I just posted a bunch of stuff just a little bit ago, but it was all from August & summer in general. The good news is that we are settling into a new school year routine. And even though we have cub scouts, young women activities, soccer practice (games starting this Saturday), visiting teaching, playgroup and soon preschool, it really IS easier for me...Well, in a few ways. At the end of March, I was diagnosed as diabetic (mildly diabetic). They did some blood tests & sent me to the dietitian & the diabetic counselors to teach me how to control/test blood sugar and help with more healthy eating. I did REALLY well for a while, so when I went in to my Dr. in June (after 3 months), I had lost about 20 lbs. & my blood work was looking better than earlier. Well, after that...I pretty much fell "Off the Wagon". I went to AZ in June & did pretty...well...some good, some bad eating choices. But, it was vacation, so what-the-h...